Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Tech Careers Expo, Professional/Skilled & Healthcare Pavilions
11:00am – 5:30pm
Santa Clara Convention Center
5001 Great America Parkway
Santa Clara, CA 95054
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2009 Career Event Schedule:
www.bayareavjf.com |
January 4-25 |
January Bay Area Virtual Job Fair |
www.bayareavjf.com |
February 1-22 |
February Bay Area Virtual Job Fair |
Next LIVE Event!!! |
February 11 |
Silicon Valley Career Fair
Santa Clara Convention Center
11:00am - 5:30p.m.
www.bayareavjf.com |
March 1-29 |
March Bay Area Virtual Job Fair |
www.bayareavjf.com |
April 5-26 |
April Bay Area Virtual Job Fair |
April 27 |
Silicon Valley Career Fair
Santa Clara Convention Center
11:00am - 5:30p.m.
Be sure to catch our newly redesigned Bay Area Virtual Job Fair with interactive features, blogs, and more! The Bay Area Virtual Job Fair is more than just a job board!
Instant access to dozens of job oppotunities at top hiring companies- 24 hours a day!Visit the Bay Area Virtual Job Fair October 5 - 26 to see job descriptions, company profiles, blogs from industry experts, videos, and more!
Fast, Easy Way to Interview: Tap into the hidden job market. Meet in person with employers at the Mercury News Career Fair.
The Mercury News Career Fair is 3 events in one: Diversity Career Fair with Tech Careers Expo (open only to those with qualifications matching our employers' open positions. All candidates will be screened) and Professional/Skilled and Healthcare Pavilion (open to everyone). In addition you can learn new skills through the wide variety of FREE seminars offered throughout the afternoon.
Employers and Educational/Training Institutions: Time is running out to participate in this event or if you want to Advertise in our Career Training Center (CTC) dedicated to Educational/Training Institutions contact our Recruitment specialists via email
Get a job. Read the Mercury News http://www.mercurynews.net/discount
Employers to participate in these special events contact your Mercury News Employment Specialist via email
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Diversity partners:
